LJdM readers can remember the story, but there are news and pictures about it.

Martin is taking care of our baby during the days and I have started studying in Copenhagen. So there are quite some things to get used to time lacking and more love than I could ever imagine a baby could make me feel!
A little sneak-peak at the trailer of the music-documentary that is about to be finished! It´s about 5 female musicians from Malmö, of which I am one! Looki looki!
The movie contains music from me, new and old ones! All of us who are part of the movie have an equal part and all of us have music in it too!
The movie contains music from me, new and old ones! All of us who are part of the movie have an equal part and all of us have music in it too!
Comments by fans:
The trailer of the movie looks very cool! I know Nina Persson very well, even saw her live in Petersburg in 2007, the Cardigans were fantastic, since I was in school we all sang "My favourite Game" and Cecilia Nordlund was supposed to shot the video for you, right? Hope this story would be released somehow soon, looks fantastic really!)))
Glad to know you're fine and everything goes well. I hope you have a splendid October and see you soon again on tour. The Party Crasher on the Road was fantastic, I saw a DVD trailer and almost cried! The German lives were amazing! How could you make such a brilliant music? ;))
All the best wishes and kind regards,
You're GREAT!!!! ))) Il.During the time while Helenas debut album "Dynamo" was released, when she had her promotion gigs all over Sweden, I notice a girl that was there filming sometimes. It was for a documentary about some Swedish female musicians from Malmö. Now you can se the trailer to the documentary.
Waiting for the full film. Tears, jokes, kisses, ... Helena is gorgeous!
Amazing!! I'd like to watch the film too!!!
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