Look at the forest outside the studio, full of white wooden anemons! This is the view from the kitchen door in the studio.

The sun is here oh how lovely it is!!
Oh I am so grateful for this life, for music, for love, for nature! I wish everyone could feel it…

Looking forward to hearing from you.
Comments by fans:
Comments by fans:
Hi Helena. The biggest hug on earth from Berlin;-) Cheers to Martin. de dom
Dominic Schimmelpfennig, from Berlin
Good luck with the recordings, Helena. I will keep on reading your stories. A big hug!
Hoppas på en signering i samband med nya albumet ;) Och en spelning i Malmö??!
Emma Sonesson (aka BiLLY) - HJ Fanclub Portal
Can you feel the sunlight? Yes, I can. New songs coming soon … Life is beautiful!Mario (aka Sleepyhead),
from Alcalá de Henares, ES
I feel it. Thank you!
By the way, I think that forest is a good place for creating new songs, new feelings.
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