Per did the drums in one take (he is really fast this guy) and it sounds better then we could ever imagine. The snare is punchy but soft and the hole kit is just surfing on some perfect waves.
The bass was run through a Vox Ac30 amp (yeah, I know....CRAZY!!) and was lined to. Turned out to deliver a soft yet distinctive bass sound with a lot of body without killing the string presence.
Ola's guitar on the driver´s song will be a mixture of dry and wet. The dry is already there.
To see the photos, click HERE. The next session will take place next week, Saturday or Sunday. Stay tuned."

Ola Blomgren will be in charge of our Myspace site from now on and updates will follow there very soon."
We're back rehearsing and recording our third album! Follow the progress and check out some new images at www.sandymouche.com.
Visit Sandy Mouche's myspace here

Kiss me kiss me kiss me just one time
before I wake up place your lips on mine
I love you cherrypie c'mon now cherry cherrypie

I believe in ghosts
I believe in fairies
I believe in brownies
I believe in love
Visit Sandy Mouche's myspace here

Kiss me kiss me kiss me just one time
before I wake up place your lips on mine
I love you cherrypie c'mon now cherry cherrypie

I believe in ghosts
I believe in fairies
I believe in brownies
I believe in love
Pictures by Johanna Molander, SE - (a.k.a. gessloholic)
Moderator in HJ Official Forum and HJ Fanclub Portal
Moderator in HJ Official Forum and HJ Fanclub Portal
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