Jens Jansson, the drummer from Lund, forgets for a minute - not more- Brainpool or Son of a Plumber and publish his Myspace.
Jens Jansson's Myspace. There we can see one nice song, Going down with flu. It is supposed to have been played by the band (?) University of Jens, but Jens and the designer Daniel Bexell feature as the only two band members. I really love the sound of the song.
Daniel Bexell is a designer from Lund and a good photographer.
Daniel Bexell's Website. I don't really know who is singing - Daniel? Jens? - and who is going down with flu ... Who knows! It could be Jens' voice. No serious project, but I recommend you the song.
By the way, Brainpool's new video is being quite successful. Read about it below.
Every second week, Brainpool is nominated to a new prize. This band must be one of the most nominated in Swedish pop history. Today, we got the news that the directors to Brainpool’s video ”Junk” – David Wiberg, Erik Wingqvist & Henrik Öreberg – are nominated in the annual graphic design & illustration contest Kolla.se.
News flash: To further celebrate that Junk turns 1 this month, we will release all our singles & EP:s on classic 78 rpm records. A couple of years ago, Christoffer Lundquist, producer, Brainpoolee & one of Junk’s founders, got the news that he was related to German inventor Emile Berliner, who developed the gramophone in 1887.
Now, his family has inherited Berliner’s old factory facility in Hannover and suddenly there was a new option for Junk: to produce records the way they were meant to be: thick, solid and made out of a material which we can’t spell.
– Junk’s move is interesting, says Swedish recording industry officials in a comment.
– In one single strike, this company has made file sharing almost impossible. We are impressed and will investigate the possibility to work in a similar way in the near future.
Now, his family has inherited Berliner’s old factory facility in Hannover and suddenly there was a new option for Junk: to produce records the way they were meant to be: thick, solid and made out of a material which we can’t spell.
– Junk’s move is interesting, says Swedish recording industry officials in a comment.
– In one single strike, this company has made file sharing almost impossible. We are impressed and will investigate the possibility to work in a similar way in the near future.
Anders Mildner
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