S:t Johannesgatan 7
211 46 Malmö
Yesterday at 18.00 in Konsthallen restaurant (the art gallery restaurant) of Malmö was my lucky day!

A foundation called Sparbanksstiftelsen, give away scholarships to young (didn´t know i still fit into that category :o) local artists- and this year I was one of the lucky ones! The honour is enormous and the prize helps me so much to support myself during the recording and promoting of the coming album. A short inspirational trip to London where Martinique and I will see the musical “Billy Elliot” will be something to remember this lucky night by! Thank you thank you thank you Sparbanken!

I was honored by my mother Margareta, my father Per Olof and my friend Hanna, and Christoffer Andersson my pianist and friend. You can see them all on the photos. We played one song from the coming album and it felt great, I was just so happy I almost cried…

And here is the motivation from the jury:
“Helena Josefsson is a left handed, firm woman who has decided to take at least one risk a day. This has led to the brave step from working as a shop assistant to concentrating fully on a carreer as a singer. She has already met a large audience during her tours with Per Gessles group Son of a Plumber. Also, she has sung on recordings with Andreas Johnsson and The Ark. But above all, she has her own carreer, where she gets to show her precise sense for lyrics, melody and singing. She puts strong feelings of love and longing to life, but also a fantasy world inhabited by fairies and trolls. She is delighted by the theatrical, but her personality and stage precense is always enchanting and disarming.”
Congratulations, Helena! You’re marvelous!
Hej Helena,
Congratulations on winning the scholarship. You deserve it! It’s so nice to see that in Sweden the weather is good. Here in Poland it’s so gloomy and dark that I would like to fall asleep and wake up when the sun comes out. Hopefully, the beginning of the week will be different. It’s always like that. When the weekend comes (at the moment I’m trying to enjoy the long weekend which we have; 4 days off) it’s dark and it rains, when the working week begins, the sun shines.
You’re working on your songs and I’m writing my MA thesis in linguistics. I can’t wait the end of it because I don’t have time for myself. Things got a bit complicated (I didn’t sumbit the title of it on time) and I’m not sure when I will pass my final exam. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Love, Kamila
Congratulations, Helena!
Musik: Helena Josefsson
Helena tilldelas Sparbanksstiftelsen Skånes kulturstipendium i musik 2008. Helena Josefsson är en vänsterhänt, principfast kvinna som bestämt sig för att ta minst en risk om dagen. Detta har lett till det modiga steget från butiksbiträde till att satsa allt på en karriär som sångerska.
Hon har redan mött en stor publik under sina turnéer med Per Gessles grupp Son of a Plumber. Hon har dessutom sjungit på inspelningar med Andreas Johnsson och The Ark.
Men framför allt har hon egen karriär, där hon får visa sin precisa känsla för text, melodi och sång. Hon levandegör starka känslor av längtan och kärlek, men också en fantasivärld som befolkas av älvor och troll. Hon har en förtjusning i det teatraliska, men hennes personlighet och scennärvaro är alltid förtrollande och avväpnande.
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