One of the top three concerts of my life so far, the one in Berlin!

Nicole has written these words in the Official forum:
Hi everybody!
Heike and I are back from Berlin! And what can I say? It was great! Even it was a veeeery long evening!
Here´s what happened yesterday evening:
First the band "Division of Laura Lee" was on stage. They were really nice, like all the bands, that were there! After a break "The Sunshine" came on stage and started playing. A few minutes later I turned around to see what´s behind me and saw Helena standing behind me.As you can imagine it was a little shock in a positive way. I haven´t expected her in that moment.
She recognized us and gave us a hug.
I presented her our present. We gave her the banner, we made for the EHM-Tour, which we had signed before, a photo-cd with all the photos I have made during the EHM-Tour and 2 marzipan-pigs. She loved it! We couldn´t talk to her that moment, because it was too loud. So she went outside the café, but we didn´t follow her.
We didn´t see the other bands, because it was too loud and very hot there. The café had a lounge, where we sat down and waited for Helena´s gig.
Helena´s show was great! During the show Helena looked on us and said "Thank you for the pigs!". Of course, she meant the marzipan-pigs. That was really funny, because no one else from the audience could know, what she was talking about!When she sang Sleepyhead, almost the whole audience sang "Can you feel the sunlight" on and on. Helena has really catched the people with her voice. At least as long as she hold her microphone on my mouth and shouted "Nicole, sing!". That was cool, even if I can´t sing at all! But it was good enough for some seconds!
After the performance we went outside. 40 minutes later we wanted to go home in the hotel. Then we saw Helena and the whole band in front of Café Zapata, how they were drinking and talking. So, we went to them to talk a bit and say goodbye. She thanked us for the present again and introduced us her band. We said hello to them. I told her, that some members of this forum really would like to be in Berlin too, but are not able to. So, I asked her, if she wants to write a message to them. And of course she did want to!
You can find it here: Message from Helena to all forum members!
Martin made some pictures of us with his mobile, when we were talking to Helena. And finally we made some photos together with her!
You can look at all my photos here: Photos of Helena at Café Zapata in Berlin
I hope you like the short story and pictures!
I just arrived from Popkomm, the music messe/festival in Berlin! What a cool city! The "messe" took place in Messe Berlin, a huge building with great big halls full of people working in the musicbusiness in one way or another. I met a lot of interesting people and had a few meetings with Mourice Plusquin and Bruce Smith by my side. I handed out CD's with my songs to companies who showed interested in what I do.
I spent my evenings at Café Zapata on Oranienburger Strasse. A very cool little bar/club. On Thursday there was a Swedish night and I saw Helena Josefsson and Soundtrack of our lives perform. Helena is awesome! Really like her voice! The keyboardplayer turned out to be be MY future keyboardplayer, Christoffer Andersson!! What a coincidence! He did a great job by the way! Berlin, I'll be back! For sure!
I spent my evenings at Café Zapata on Oranienburger Strasse. A very cool little bar/club. On Thursday there was a Swedish night and I saw Helena Josefsson and Soundtrack of our lives perform. Helena is awesome! Really like her voice! The keyboardplayer turned out to be be MY future keyboardplayer, Christoffer Andersson!! What a coincidence! He did a great job by the way! Berlin, I'll be back! For sure!

Good photos by Emma Sonesson ("Billy"), from Sweden
BiLLY wrote about it: "Hey, don't forget me! I was there too. Me and Erik. We didn't sleep for three days. It was me that sang in the mix. Did I sing well? It was really fantastic, GOSH that fun! I didn't think it would be that wonderful ... Give me mooooore microphone! I've taken this wonderful pics, which I think are the best pics I've ever made. You have to have a look. Helena is soo cute there."

Hello all of you wonderful persons! I just want to tell you how much I appreciate what you do & all the smiles I feel from you! Puss puss! Helena
Helena wrote these lines to you at Café Zapata in Berlin after the show, where we (Heike and I) had the chance to meet her.
Hope you like her message!
Hope you like her message!

By the way,

You can find the Merchandise information here.
And you can also visit her Unofficial fanclub with Forum.
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