Doug Wyatt continues the recordings of his new album at AGM Studios. Helena Josefsson will record backing vocals for this album very soon. We can read his day-by-day notes here. They are really interesting.
By the way, Justin Winokur told his friend Doug about AGM Studios and is also taking part in the recordings.

According to Anders, from Junk Musik:
Justin Winokur recorded his album "Thirteen songs about love" at the AGM Studio and released it in 2004.
By the way, Justin Winokur told his friend Doug about AGM Studios and is also taking part in the recordings.

According to Anders, from Junk Musik:
"The super slick, ultra–polished, internet fashion magazine Se7en just published an editorial about Justin Winokur. If you haven’t seen it yet, you should. The writing is great. The pictures are great. And they like Junk! They ran the article about Justin Winokur on the very first page of the music section—before Weezer and Coldplay and NIN. You will find the magazine here. If you want to go directly to the part with Justin, go here.
Justin Winokur recorded his album "Thirteen songs about love" at the AGM Studio and released it in 2004.
Days 6-7
The last two days have gone by in a blur. Fatigue has become a factor. Whenever I’m not in the studio working, I’m finding myself keenly aware of the schedule. Jens is coming to play drums on Tuesday, and we’re taking the weekend off, so that leaves two working days. We now have 1 “finished” song that he won’t play on, 4 songs that are ready for him to play, Where You Laid (which needs some more structural work Friday) and then three more songs to prepare for him. Justin and I planned to go a music festival over the weekend but I find myself contemplating either just holing up in the guest house or going to Malmö and getting a hotel room instead. I could catch up on sleep instead of continuing or getting further into deprivation.Day 8
I kept to myself as Christoffer finished the arrangement. Justin left for the festival around this point. We listened and made notes on this one too, and agreed that Justin Winokur should be present for any arrangement decisions and that we were too tired to go back and work on anything else; got back to the guest house just now (23:30). Tomorrow I’ll probably go visit Copenhagen, wander around the city a bit, try to put a good dent in my homework, and make sure I get a good rest. After that bit of “anger management therapy” with the chair the other night I told Christoffer that I’d found it fascinating when at the dinner table one evening his daughter had used a Swedish word that was translated for us as “shy/angry.” In English those are unrelated concepts. But I’ve had a tendency towards shyness ... and a tendency to repress and internalize anger. Then we went and looked at the “programmer or serial killer?” web site (Google knows where it is and I’m offline at the moment) and laughed a lot.
Day 9
Chris Lundquist had an engagement in Lund at 3 pm, so he picked me up at 2 and I had no trouble finding the train station after he dropped me in the old city. I got there around 3:15 and bought a ticket; there was a train to Copenhagen at 3:39 so I got a cheese sandwich and a bottle of juice. Thought I might sleep on the train, but I just watched the countryside and then the monumental bridge across the Baltic between Malmö and Copenhagen. Got to Copenhagen around 4:45, got cash in the train station, wandered around the station a bit looking for tourist information. There was a tourist office just up the street from the station where I reserved a room for the night. Spent an hour walking around looking for the hotel in vain; by the time I’d found it I’d walked on both sides of just about every nearby street. I’d forgotten how confusing many European cities’ street numbering systems can be. Took another half-hour nap. After a bit, used the “follow the crowds” algorithm for exploring a strange city without a Lonely Planet guide or equivalent. After maybe an hour of wandering, found a nice Thai restaurant and took my time for dinner. Marveled that the young waitress spoke Thai, Danish and English. Enjoyed smoking between courses of a meal (after initially thinking that I wouldn’t, out of consideration for those around me—until I realized they were all smoking.) Wandered around some more for a couple of hours, mingling with the crowds, finally went in a bar, had a couple drinks, then returned to the hotel. One part of me is screaming “there’s so much to do; work!” and another “sleep! you’re going to need it!” Sleep wins. Hopefully I’ll get a couple hours in the morning to work over coffee before noon checkout time, then have some time to explore Copenhagen a bit more before returning to Sjöbo by train and bus. And theoretically, having gone through the new arrangement in my mind so much today should make it easy to start dragging notes around when I get back to the guest house tomorrow night.
Day 10
It was gorgeous day in Copenhagen, sunny, temperatures around 75 with an occasional cool breeze coming in from the sea. Took off walking around the city, this time with a bit more premeditation based on a map. Followed the crowds through the new harbor district and along the harbor up to the famous mermaid statue. Walked through an old fortified castle surrounded by a moat, with houses dating probably back to the 1700's inside, then back to the train station around 3:15 pm. Missed one every-20-minute train to Malmö by not being able to figure out the automated ticket machine. It didn’t like my Visa card. Went to the ticket office counter instead, which let me pay cash, and have time to exchange remaining Danish crowns for Swedish ones. Missed another train when it mysteriously didn’t appear on the platform the signs had said it would (train to Hamburg was there instead). Got to Malmö around 4:40 pm. Indulged in a Burger King veggie burger. Spent 30 minutes trying to get information about buses to Sjöbo—the woman in the tourist information office didn’t know, the woman at the train ticket office didn’t know, a few locals buying bus tickets from the automated machine didn’t know, and the regional bus departure monitor said nothing about Sjöbo or any cities I knew to be in that general direction. Finally I found a policeman (or transit official?) and he told me I had to take a city bus to a bus depot. Got there around 5:45.
Ah, there was the schedule to Sjöbo. Last departure 18:30, whew. Uh oh, it says Montag-Fretag. No Lördtag schedule as with some of the other buses (and if Montag-Fretag are Monday to Friday, and Lördtag is Sunday, what is Saturday?). I appeared to be stuck in Malmö. I called Justin Winokur, who was driving back from the festival. He was willing to come get me but first suggested I make some other calls. Called Jens Jansson and Magnus, who live in Malmö. No answer. Called Christoffer’s house. No answer. Magnus called back. He was out of town. Tried Jens again and got through. He made sure I was at the right bus depot and said, no problem, just take bus 176 to Sjöbo. I was happy and thankful when I hung up, but then I looked at the schedule again to see how I’d misread it. Bus 176 was the one that ran Montag-Fretag only! Indeed, the departure monitor for the next hour (18:15 to 19:15) did not include bus 176. Called Justin, who was closer to Malmö than he’d thought and would divert to come get me. Went back to the central train station.
From a bit outside the city, Justin just followed the train tracks to find the station, arriving around 7:30. Splurged on sushi and tiramisu. (Justin decoded the dinner bill and determined that sales tax is 25%. Ouch.) I drove us back to the guest house, finally arriving a little after 11. Today it seems the “I’ll figure it out as I go” travel planning method works better in cities than in getting between them.
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