Last 29th November, Salvation, the last single outtaken from Have a Nice Day, was released, but there has been no promotion. I adore See me, an old song sung by Marie in 1993 and the second song in this single.
The same day in November, a special edition of Roxette's latest album was released in most Spanish speaking territories and in some other countries (e.g. The Netherlands and Germany). This limited edition includes the following Spanish recordings: Quisiera volar (Wish I could fly), Alguien (Anyone) and Lo siento (Salvation).
In September, Per Gessle confirmed it once more: there wouldn't be a Roxette tour coming up in the next months. According to Olle Berggren and Martina Karlsson, from Roxette Service, late on little Christmas eve, Per Gessle sat with Clarence Öfverman in the now legendary Tits&Ass studio outside Halmstad and thought about the future with Roxette.
On January 16, 2000, Christoffer Lundquist will be 30 years old. We can read some of his words about his childhood.
It's good to be back home. Home is where I wanna beeeeeee. I have been on the road so long. In January 2000, we'll continue the studio sessions and, hopefully, that's what's gonna take most of our time in the next 6-8 months or so. We'd love to have a new album out for Christmas 2000, and finally get a tour together. If everything goes well with the new records we're planning a tour with start in the beginning of January 2001. But if now the USA would wake up and we get a good record company where they maybe wants us to be available for radio and TV during that period, in that case we'll delay the tour a bit more.
I actually only play guitar and bass, you know, reasonably well, the rest is sort of just cheating, but since I buy so many instruments, I have the possibility to practice with them. I play a bit of decent flute, half-decent saxophone, clarinet, I got an oboe, that was fun for a year and then it was too hard, so I skipped that. I have so many different instruments in my studio, but they are all kind of keyboard instruments.